Windows 8 Transformation Pack (8TP) will transform your Windows 7/Vista/XP user interface to look like Windows 8
8TP v4.0 Proper Notes
What's new in 8TP v4.0
Note: Please remove the extra _ in the downloaded file name (if any).
File Name: | Size: 56.4 MB | Proper Release: 11-Apr-2012
8TP v4.0 Proper Notes
- Fixed Segoe fonts family installation that fails to update in some Vista/7 platforms
- Optimized Metro Inspirat resources to work properly on low memory Windows XP machine
What's new in 8TP v4.0
- Added Charms Bar as alternatives for those who can't get full Immersive UI to work
- Added new Segoe family fonts from Windows 8 Consumer Preview with Windows Vista/7 font update support
- Improved system files modification framework (More secure and safe to handle)
- Fixed disabling system files modification that won't work on installation
- Fixed explorer not restoring after choosing to cancel restart during configuration
- Fixed permission problems in some programs that perform changes in Program Files
- Fixed system files modification bug in Program Files on x64 platform
- Fixed unchecking large icon doesn't restore icon size bug
- Fixed uninstallation script that removes legacy theme registry
- Updated component UI font to Tahoma and info font to Segoe UI
- Updated default Metro Desktop UI option to Immersive UI with Charms Bar as default option
- Updated default pictures of guest and user to Windows 8 Consumer Preview ones
- Updated Metro Inspirat Windows XP visual style to version 3.0
- Updated Newgen to version 8.0
- Updated Newgen UI to match with Windows 8 Consumer Preview
- Updated system files resources
- logon screen
- shell branding and logo
- shell icons
- start button/orb
- system tray icons
- Updated TrueTransparency skin based on Windows 8 Consumer Preview default color
- Updated wallpapers to Windows 8 Consumer Preview ones
- Unchecked 'Aero's auto-colorization (Vista/7) only' feature to get Windows 8's default colorization